Friday, August 6, 2010

An Algerian August

In true world tour fashion, the coming months we will cap off the first full year of the TCWT by traveling to 4 different continents! Our first stop? The Barbary Fig: specializing in "south-Mediterranean comfort foods" from Morocco, Algeria, and France. The owner, Brahim Hadj-Moussa, does all the cooking. When he is not in the kitchen, the 13-year-old restaurant is closed.

The specials change every few days, but the dishes are almost always touched with cinnamon, thyme, cumin, marjoram, coriander, and/or dried fruits. According to one review pubished in the Star Tribune, "Whatever the combination, you can count on it to be delicious." Ordering the "thick, raisiny North African wines" also paves the way for a house-made dessert wine of white Moroccan vintage steeped with "oranges, juniper berries, and cinnamon" which is offered up by the owner if "customers behave."

Need another recommendation? The brik appetizer is a "glassily crisp envelope of pastry folded around tuna brightened with parsley and lemon and given a bit of an edge by harissa, the Tunisan hot sauce made from roasted chiles, garlic, cumin, caraway, coriander, and olive oil." Just ask, and they will make it "like they serve back home" with capers, herbs, and a gooey, soft-cooked egg.

If you're in the mood for African, this is your chance! Next stop is Europe, Asia, and then South America, so stay tuned! If you'd like to attend this month, please RSVP by email. Here are the details:

Friday, August 20th
7:00 PM
The Barbary Fig
720 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105

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